Imagist blog post

“The image is the poet’s pigment. The image is not an idea. It is a radiate node or cluster. A vortex through which and into which ideas are constantly rushing. It is as true for painting and sculpture as it is for poetry.” -Ezra Pound

I make line breaks where I feel like they should come. Generally, where I take a breath or a pause, when I finish a thought I like to break the line. My lines are usually short quick thoughts that I type down. Before this class, I just typed everything out on the page and didn’t really go back and revise my lines I would just write lines as they came to my head and break them when it felt right. Now I go back and revise and test if breaking lines in different places would sound better.

Usually all my stanzas are the same length to try and be consistent but I think in the future it might be more interesting to try and write poems with multiple stanzas of different lengths. I think following the same principle as with line breaks, ending the stanza when it feels or sounds right will make better poetry than ending a stanza after a certain amount of lines.


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