Mornings are hard

I stay up too late
I love to sleep
I have to climb down a ladder to get out of my bed
My bed is warm
My alarm is annoying
My roommate is annoying
The classrooms are cold
The eggs at breakfast are always cold
The biscuits are hard as rocks
I have dark circles under my eyes that I don’t have the energy to cover up
I don’t have the energy to do much in the morning
I always forget my glasses
My eyes water when the sun rises
My clothes are far less comfortable than my pajamas
My shoes aren’t as cozy as my slippers
The showers are always full
The sprinklers hit me when I walk to class
The roads are too busy to jaywalk
I’m not a morning person
I drink energy drinks and crash
I hate the taste of coffee
Classes go by slower
All my friends are asleep
I’d rather be asleep


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